Top/Mitsuo Okada


About me 自己紹介

Name: Mitsuo Okada, 岡田満雄

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Contact 連絡先
Direct(直通): +81-(0)75-753-3521
Office: somewhere in 3F @ Research Bldg.#2, Main Campus, Kyoto Univ.
オフィス:京大本部構内 総合研究2号館の3階の真ん中の階段の横の横の横の部屋

Educational background 学歴

  • Apr2010-Current: Reserch associate in Graduate School of Management, Kyoto Univ. (Business School)
    京都大学経営管理大学院 研究員
  • Oct2005-Mar2010: finished Ph.D. Candidate course from Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.(Computer Science)
    京都大学 大学院 情報学研究科 博士課程単位取得認定退学 
  • Oct2003-Sep2005:Master of Science in Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokai University, Kanagawa, Japan.
  • Sep2002-Dec2002: Post baccalaureate in Computer Science, Portland State University, OR, USA.
  • Jan2000-Aug2002: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science/Multimedia Study from Eastern Oregon University, OR, USA.

Research Topics and Interests 専門分野と興味のある分野

Digital content security, marketing, bussiness model, investment.

Academic Activities

Journal 論文誌

International Conference 国際会議

  • F2GC-09, Jeju, Korea, Dec 2009,
    (The 2009 International Workshop on Forensics for Future Generation Communication environments),
    published by IEEE Press (IEEE eXpress Conference Publishing group),
    "Privacy-Secure Content Trading System for Small Content Providers Using Semi-Blind Digital Watermarking,"
    Mitsuo Okada, Yasuo Okabe, Tetsutaro Uehara.
  • SPC2009, Kiryu, Japan, Oct 2009,(Invited Paper)
    (International Conference on Security Camera Network, Privacy Protection and Community Safety),
    "Privacy-Secure Image Sharing System for a Purchaser and Recorded Subjects Using Semi-Blind Fingerprinting",
    Mitsuo Okada, Yasuo Okabe, Tetsutaro Uehara.
  • IWDW09, Guilford, UK, Springer LNCS 5703, Aug 2009,
    (The 8th International Workshop on Digital Watermarking),
    "Semi-Blind Fingerprinting Utilizing Ordinary Existing Watermarking Techniques,"
    Mitsuo Okada, Yasuo Okabe, Tetsutaro Uehara.
  • MidArc2009 (held as a part of SAINT2009), Seattle, USA, Jul 2009,
    (The Third Workshop on Middleware Architecture in the Internet),
    "Security Analysis on Privacy-Secure Image Trading Framework Using Blind Watermarking",
    Mitsuo Okada, Yasuo Okabe, Tetsutaro Uehara.
  • International Workshop on Sensing Web (in conjunction with ICPR2008 (the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition)), Tampa, USA, Dec 2008,
    "A Privacy Enhanced Image Sharing System on the Sensing Web Based on a Fingerprinting Technique",
    Mitsuo Okada, Yasuo Okabe, Tetsutaro Uehara
  • WISA2005, Jeju, Korea, Aug 2005,
    (Workshop on Information Security Applications),
    Springer LNCS, Vol.3786, pp.165-178, 2005. "Secure Asymmetric Watermark Detection Without Secret of Modified Pixels",
    Mitsuo Okada, Hiroaki Kikuchi.

Conference 学会発表

  • CSS2008, Oct 2008,
    "電子透かしを用いたプライバシ保護プロトコルによる監視カメラ画像共有システム","A Privacy Enhanced Image Sharing System for Surveillance Cameras based on a Fingerprinting Technique",
    岡田 満雄,岡部 寿男,上原 哲太郎.
  • ITRC22, Dec 2007,
    (第22回インターネット技術第163委員会研究会), "Information Sharing Web Service",
  • 30thCSEC (情報処理学会研究報告 No.2005-CSEC-030-(59)), Aug 2005,
    岡田満雄, 菊池浩明.
  • DICOMO2005, Jul, 2005
    (Multimedia, Distributed, Cooperative, and Mobile System),8A5,
    "Secure Detection of Asymmetric Digital Watermark",
    岡田満雄, 菊池浩明.

Demonstration デモンストレーション

  • IEEE-CCNC2011 (Consumer Communications & Networking Conference), Las Vegas, NV, Jan 2011,
    "User-friendly Digital Watermark Extraction using Semi-transparent Image," Mitsuo Okada, Sakito Matsuyama, Yoshinori Hara.
    Posted on IEEE Spectrum Tech-Talk by Joseph Calamia (very nice guy)
    A New Steganography System Aims to Secure Digital Documents

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  • MSR Academic Forum 2010 Taiwan-Japan, Taipei, May 2010,
    "Secure and Easy Digital Content Trading,"
    Mitsuo Okada.
  • 京都大学ICT Innovation 2010,Feb 2010
  • IEEE-CCNC2010 (Consumer Communications & Networking Conference), Las Vegas, NV, Jan 2010'',
    "A Web-based Privacy-Secure Content Trading System for Small Content Providers Using Semi-Blind Digital Watermarking,"
    Mitsuo Okada, Yasuo Okabe, Tetsutaro Uehara.
  • 京都大学ICT Innovation 2009
    岡田満雄, 岡部寿男, 上原哲太郎.

Award アワード v(^o^)/

  • Best Demonstration Award, IEEE-CCNC2010
    CertificateIEEE Communications Magazine

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Grant 助成金等

  • Microsoft Research CORE 6 , 2010
    (第 6 回 マイクロソフト産学連携研究機構 研究プロジェクト)
    Mitsuo Okada,
    "Low-cost Secure Image Trading System Based on Semi-Blind Fingerprinting Using Synthetic Transparent Images"
  • 2009 GCOE Young Leader Fostering Program
    Kyoto University Global COE Program: Informatics Education and Research Center for Knowledge-Circulating Society
    平成21年度 若手リーダーシップ養成プログラム研究費

Output 成果物

Last-modified: 2011-04-24 (日) 20:52:32